Monday, February 1, 2010

Random Daily Log

These are some of the random things accomplished and thoughts I had during the course of the day:

- Concerning the guy in class who won't stop making stupid comments, "You're not a very bright fellow are you. Please, never speak again! You are essentially an oxygen thief."

- In the Library planning to study for a test, "Crap, no internet connection here... I don't want to pack up all my stuff and move... I'll just play a game of RISK instead and try my hand at world domination... Marketing can wait!"

- "What would a man with no arms call an attempted hug? A chest bump? Or maybe a body press?..."

- "Ugh, this sandwich is gross!... I'll bring it home and give it to Jeff. I'll tell him I bought just for him, and maybe it will brighten his day."

- "Why does this Wild Cherry Pepsi taste like a Jack and Coke?"

- I noticed a black suburban swerving in and out of two lanes, cutting off a few cars. As traffic caught up to the reckless driver, I got a look at the culprit. Male, 350+ lbs, right hand in Doritos bag, left hand holding a Little Debbie chocolate cupcake, steering with his stomach... I started to chuckle, but dry-heaved instead...

- "Yup, I'm pretty sure that fountain drink machine mixed some kind of alcohol in this Pepsi..."

- "Why is that guy licking his iphone?"

- Took a test with a construction pencil and art gum eraser... and aced it!

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